
Oct 25, 2013

Meggie Had a Bloody Lamb - And Other Tales of Failure

This is squash pancakes with lemon/honey yogurt on top.
I didn't serve this today, but I didn't have any other pictures to share, so I'm rolling with this. 

This was our last day of stage 6 (which didn't feel very much different from stage 5). We're now moving into the full diet, which we're celebrating with some Squash Fudge and Almond Raisin Cookies. (The cookies were verboten before today.)

Friday (Day 14) 
Breakfast: one egg omelette (I was told today that the omelettes are too greasy. I explained that that's how they're supposed to be. But I realized that the girls always get the first two omelettes that I make, so theirs are always the most buttery. By the time I make mine, a lot of the butter is gone. Perhaps I should reverse the order some time and see what I think of the buttery eggs.) I also tried to make the same banana pancakes as yesterday, but I threw two bananas in instead of one. The pancakes were so thin they basically fried up into teeny little ribbons of stuff that turned brown and brittle. The rest of the pancakes wouldn't flip at all and I ended up with blackened, scrambled pancake things. I knew the kids wouldn't eat them. I managed enough decent ones that the kids each got two medallion sized pancakes. The rest of the batter I poured into muffin cups and baked. They came out much better that way. Oh well.
Lunch: kids - curry meat stuff, yogurt. me - fried egg, yogurt
Dinner: Leg of Lamb roasted until it was 155 degrees on the inside... which wasn't enough for the fam. Rob ended up slicing the meat into bits and pan frying it up until it was done enough for people to eat. I didn't try any. Hunks of meat are still hard for me. On the side we had roasted celeriac, carrot, and garlic with thyme, salt and pepper. It was delicious and gone quickly. I commented that I should have doubled the amount of veggies and Rob said I should have tripled them. So at least I got something right today.

My other apparent failure for the day was sour cream. I got whipping cream but didn't heat it like I do for milk (when I'm making yogurt). I read through the Google-net and it didn't seem like that heating step was necessary. So I added the yogurt starter to the cream (which is supposed to work according to Natasha) and 5 hours later it doesn't look like it's doing diddly squat in the yogurt maker. :-P Oh well. Perhaps it'll be more like that cream that you pour over fried plantains. Unfortunately, plantains are verboten on the diet. *sigh* If you have suggestions for something that's GAPS friendly that would be good with runny sour cream poured over it, let me know.

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