
Oct 24, 2013

Coconut Milk, Kids' Lunches, and Cabbage Soup

Cabbage Soup

Today I made coconut milk. I did a lot of other stuff today too, like I picked up my "The House that Beer Built" t-shirt and bought a new handle for the upstairs toilet. I booked three December flights for Rob and made my first ever cabbage soup. But the thing I'm happiest about is the coconut milk. It's creamy and coconutty and milky and mmmmm. And it was ridiculously easy to make. All it took was some coconut flakes, warm water, and a blender.

Nothing really phenominal happened today diet-wise or health-wise. I got bit by some stinkin' bug all over my left shoulder and it's been itching like crazy. But I can't blame that on the diet... unless the diet has somehow made my left should really tasty. Otherwise we're just kind of in "moving forward" mode.

One highlight of my day was when the kids got home from school and Anna said, "Mom, I really like these lunches you're making for us. They taste really good and the food is always fresh."

This is the food I have set out for the kids' lunches. The thermos holds the curry flavored meat stuff. Then there's three containers of apple sauce. (I have three of everything, but it's not all shown here.) Then homemade yogurt. And each kid got two squash treats (although I found Naomi's still sitting on the counter after they left. I'd forgotten to put them in her lunch box. Oh well.) Anna also got some nut butter. She seems to be the only kid that likes to eat nut butter straight (like I do). 

Thursday (Day 13)
Breakfast: one egg omelette, banana pancakes with a dollop of honey, one breakfast sausage link, camomile tea.
Lunch: the kids had more "meat stuff" (This time it was a curry version.), homemade apple sauce (fuji apples) and yogurt. I made an onion and green pepper frittata for myself and had yogurt with honey for dessert.
DinnerCabbage Soup and the egg and squash bake from the What Can I Eat Now? 30 day introduction diet put out by Health, Home, and Happiness LLC. Everyone was pretty scared by the squash bake until they ate it. Then several family members took seconds. I wasn't quite as much of a fan. I think it would be better with a little yogurt or something to make it a bit more creamy.

Links for info on making your own coconut milk: The easy way using coconut flakes or the "fresh from the coconut" way in which you also get coconut oil and other stuff. I used a tea strainer to strain the coconut bits out from the coconut milk. It worked really well. There are no chunks or bits left in my milk. And the oils seem to have made it through OK.

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