We're one week out from starting the GAPS intro diet. I still haven't explained to the kids exactly what it means. I've told them a lot about the full diet, but I've only hinted at the limitations in the intro diet.
In preparation, I want to have a list of recipes available so that I can focus on making the food and not on finding good ways to prepare it. I want to maximize the variety that will be available to the kids as soon as possible. (My son may move slower through these stages than the rest of us. But he knows that the goal is to heal his body so that his arms are no longer bumpy and red and his nose is no longer running like a freight train. I'm also hoping the diet will help keep his head clear and his moods level. The gluten free / casein free diet he's been on has helped a lot with that, but I can see there's still room for improvement.)
Disclaimer: I'm kind of guessing where these recipes fit within the stages. If you disagree, feel free to explain why in the comments section. You very well could be right. I might move stuff around as we get into the diet and I start to grok it a little better. Just because I put something in a particular place doesn't mean that's absolutely positively where it belongs.
All of the links for these recipes will lead off to other blogs. I'll only rewrite recipes here to this blog if I've changed them up a bit to better suit our family (or my cooking style). So if you click away to another site, I'd encourage you to look around a bit while you're there. You'll likely find something yummy or interesting in the process.
While looking for recipes, I also found this list of die-off symptoms that might be experienced when starting the diet. My son has been complaining about some of these things and now I think it makes sense. We've gradually been GAPS-ifying our diet. So while we're not on either the intro or the full diet, we're still doing replacing more of our regular meals with GAPS-ified meals and it's possible that's having an effect on my son's digestion already.
Fish soup - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Mushroom soup - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Summer Garden Soup with Turkey Meatballs - This is probably fancier than most stage one soups, but I don't see anything in it that's not allowed at this point. This recipe is by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog.
Creme Fraiche - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Yogurt, Kefir, etc. starter culture from Cultures for Health - local health food stores often carry these cultures as well.
Fall Pumpkin Soup - by Cheese Slave
Roasted Pumpkin Soup - by Nurture My Gut
Creamy Zucchini Leek Soup - by Lauren of Empowered Sustenance
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Bubbies Sauerkraut - In stage one, you can only use the juice. If you take out juice and there's cabbage leaves exposed, add a little water until those leaves are covered up again. Otherwise they'll go bad.
Bubbies Kosher Dills - These are naturally fermented.
Single serving packets of Artisana Raw Coconut Butter - Handy when you're out and about.
Old Chatham Plain Sheep's Milk Yogurt - Old Chatham Sheepherding Company makes a plain yogurt without sweeteners of any sort and without pectin or other additives. All it contains is sheep milk and 4 types of probiotics.
Other Recipe Lists (I'm obviously not the only person who's thought of doing something like this.)
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 1 recipes
Basic stew - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Spaghetti Squash Bolognese with Fennel - Could this be called a casserole? OK, probably not, but it's close enough for me so I'm sticking it in stage two. All of the ingredients are allowed at this point.
Cauliflower Soup - by Grass Fed Girl
Paleo Potatoes - from the Real Food Forager. These "potatoes" are made from celeriac root.
How to Poach an Egg - a video by the Food Network. Granted, Dr. Natasha says "soft boiled" not poached, but they sure seem similar enough to me that I think this can be thrown down under stage two.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 2 recipes
Pumpkin pancakes - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Fermented Salsa - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Chicken and Veg with Dijon Herb Sauce - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Butternut Pudding - posted by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog, from Rachel Ray Magazine
Diane's Beet Fennel Salad - by Vitamin Cottage. This might be OK in stage two, except that it seems like the stews should still be brothy whereas this is a salad and therefore broth-less. But you could pour lots of butter or olive oil on top.
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Bubbies Kosher Dill Relish - You wouldn't use this in an earlier stage just because it would be harder to pull out just the juice. But by stage three you want to start eating the veggies as well.
Coconut Water - This has become one of my favorite drinks. I buy it in bulk when it's on sale at the grocery store. I decided not to put it until day three to emphasize that broth is the drink of choice in the intro diet. But as a vegetarian that's not looking forward to the meatiness of all this GAPS stuff, I feel like the coconut water needs to get allowed by this point or I think I'll lose it.)
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 3 recipes
Gluten Free Nuts from Nuts.com - Nuts don't contain gluten, but sometimes they're cross contaminated because of where they're packaged.
Baked Lemon Herb Chicken - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Kim's Baked Chicken and Veggies with Cashew Artichoke Topping - from Vitamin Cottage. If you buy canned artichoke hearts, make sure there's nothing added that's not GAPS friendly.
Tim's Liver and Onions - by Vitamin Cottage
Carrot Pancakes - by Jolene of Yummy Inspirations. Scroll to about the middle of the post for the recipe.
Almond Squash Bread - by the Liberated Kitchen
Tuna Sandwich and Mayonnaise - by Healing Through GAPS
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Applegate Organic Turkey Burgers
Applegate Organic Beef Burgers
Whole Foods Smoked Salmon is apparently completely legal and makes a handy protein snack.
Canned Tuna - Just make sure the can is BPA free. My husband swears that Wild Planet is better than any other brand out there, but I usually buy Crown Prince brand.
Grass Fed Jerky Chews - grass fed, gluten free. It looks like the Chipotle Raisin varieties contain sugar, though, so avoid those.
Other Recipe Lists
GAPS in our Gut - stage 4 recipes
Afterthoughts Blog - stage 4 recipes
Fall Vegetable and Sausage Stew - from Vitamin Cottage. You'll have to modify this recipe a little. Parsnips are a no-no in the GAPS diet, so leave those out. Make sure you use sausages that are GAPS-friendly, such as the Applegate Chicken & Apple Sausages listed below in the cheats section. And don't forget to use your own homemade chicken stock.
Hazelnut Pancakes with Sautéed Apples - by Vitamin Cottage
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Applegate Chicken and Apple Breakfast Sausages (The other two kinds of breakfast sausage that they carry aren't GAPS legit because one contains maple syrup and the other cane syrup.) Their regular Chicken & Apple sausages look alright also (except for maybe the sodium lactate. But hey! It's from beets and beets are allowed, right?) :-}
Beelers Italian Sausages - These are gluten free. Several of the other types of Beelers sausages contain Turbinado sugar, so you'll want to avoid those.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - stage 5 recipes
Coconut Date Balls - by K Miller of K Miller Photographs (thanks to Erin from Plan to Eat for the link).
Banana "Ice Cream" with Coconut and Cacao - by Erin of Plan to Eat
Coconut Muffins - by KitchenStewardship.com. Although it seems to me like everything in this recipe is OK by stage four, I put it in the stage six category because that's where the bready things that you can make without throwing some squash in there get mentioned.
Coconut Milk - from the Real Food Forager. I don't know why this is stage six, but that's where I found it in another list.
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal)
Dried fruit - make sure it's organic with no added preservatives or sugars.
Karen's Sausage Breakfast Pie - from Vitamin Cottage. I don't think the Beelers breakfast sausage is GAPS friendly. It contains turbinado sugar. So use Applegate Chicken & breakfast sausages instead.
Sassy Water - by Vitamin Cottage. I don't know where in the stages citrus is allowed. But I see lemon on the allowed list for the full diet. So I'm putting this recipe here. You could probably make it in an earlier stage sans lemon.
Raw Carrot Cake - by Vitamin Cottage
Chai Peach Soufflé - by Vitamin Cottage. Switch out the maple syrup for honey.
Primal Hot Cereal - by Vitamin Cottage. I was wondering if it were possible to do something like this. I'm glad to see that someone else has already tried it. I wonder if you can eat it cold with almond milk. I'm in love with Udi's original granola. But it's full of oats. Maybe this will be a close second.
Pumpkin Soup - by Real Food Media. I'd like to think this soup would be fine at stage one, but the fact that it has curry and cayenne probably boots it right out of that stage. So I'd say fit this in when your tummy can handle it. Since we're doing the diet mostly to deal with moods and skin issues, I don't think spices are going to be a problem for us. But anyone with tummy issues will want to take care.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog on Pinterest - full GAPS diet recipes
Afterthoughts Blog on Pinterest - full GAPS snacks
In preparation, I want to have a list of recipes available so that I can focus on making the food and not on finding good ways to prepare it. I want to maximize the variety that will be available to the kids as soon as possible. (My son may move slower through these stages than the rest of us. But he knows that the goal is to heal his body so that his arms are no longer bumpy and red and his nose is no longer running like a freight train. I'm also hoping the diet will help keep his head clear and his moods level. The gluten free / casein free diet he's been on has helped a lot with that, but I can see there's still room for improvement.)
Disclaimer: I'm kind of guessing where these recipes fit within the stages. If you disagree, feel free to explain why in the comments section. You very well could be right. I might move stuff around as we get into the diet and I start to grok it a little better. Just because I put something in a particular place doesn't mean that's absolutely positively where it belongs.
All of the links for these recipes will lead off to other blogs. I'll only rewrite recipes here to this blog if I've changed them up a bit to better suit our family (or my cooking style). So if you click away to another site, I'd encourage you to look around a bit while you're there. You'll likely find something yummy or interesting in the process.
While looking for recipes, I also found this list of die-off symptoms that might be experienced when starting the diet. My son has been complaining about some of these things and now I think it makes sense. We've gradually been GAPS-ifying our diet. So while we're not on either the intro or the full diet, we're still doing replacing more of our regular meals with GAPS-ified meals and it's possible that's having an effect on my son's digestion already.
Stage One - The beginning of the broth
Mushroom soup - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Summer Garden Soup with Turkey Meatballs - This is probably fancier than most stage one soups, but I don't see anything in it that's not allowed at this point. This recipe is by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog.
Creme Fraiche - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Yogurt, Kefir, etc. starter culture from Cultures for Health - local health food stores often carry these cultures as well.
Fall Pumpkin Soup - by Cheese Slave
Roasted Pumpkin Soup - by Nurture My Gut
Creamy Zucchini Leek Soup - by Lauren of Empowered Sustenance
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Bubbies Sauerkraut - In stage one, you can only use the juice. If you take out juice and there's cabbage leaves exposed, add a little water until those leaves are covered up again. Otherwise they'll go bad.
Bubbies Kosher Dills - These are naturally fermented.
Single serving packets of Artisana Raw Coconut Butter - Handy when you're out and about.
Old Chatham Plain Sheep's Milk Yogurt - Old Chatham Sheepherding Company makes a plain yogurt without sweeteners of any sort and without pectin or other additives. All it contains is sheep milk and 4 types of probiotics.
Other Recipe Lists (I'm obviously not the only person who's thought of doing something like this.)
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 1 recipes
Stage Two - The broth continues
Basic stew - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Spaghetti Squash Bolognese with Fennel - Could this be called a casserole? OK, probably not, but it's close enough for me so I'm sticking it in stage two. All of the ingredients are allowed at this point.
Cauliflower Soup - by Grass Fed Girl
Paleo Potatoes - from the Real Food Forager. These "potatoes" are made from celeriac root.
How to Poach an Egg - a video by the Food Network. Granted, Dr. Natasha says "soft boiled" not poached, but they sure seem similar enough to me that I think this can be thrown down under stage two.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 2 recipes
Stage Three - Broth plus
Pumpkin pancakes - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Fermented Salsa - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Chicken and Veg with Dijon Herb Sauce - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog
Butternut Pudding - posted by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog, from Rachel Ray Magazine
Diane's Beet Fennel Salad - by Vitamin Cottage. This might be OK in stage two, except that it seems like the stews should still be brothy whereas this is a salad and therefore broth-less. But you could pour lots of butter or olive oil on top.
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Bubbies Kosher Dill Relish - You wouldn't use this in an earlier stage just because it would be harder to pull out just the juice. But by stage three you want to start eating the veggies as well.
Coconut Water - This has become one of my favorite drinks. I buy it in bulk when it's on sale at the grocery store. I decided not to put it until day three to emphasize that broth is the drink of choice in the intro diet. But as a vegetarian that's not looking forward to the meatiness of all this GAPS stuff, I feel like the coconut water needs to get allowed by this point or I think I'll lose it.)
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - Stage 3 recipes
Stage Four - Broth and stuff you can serve on a plate
Gluten Free Nuts from Nuts.com - Nuts don't contain gluten, but sometimes they're cross contaminated because of where they're packaged.
Baked Lemon Herb Chicken - by Erin from the Plan to Eat blog (scroll to the end of the post for the recipe)
Kim's Baked Chicken and Veggies with Cashew Artichoke Topping - from Vitamin Cottage. If you buy canned artichoke hearts, make sure there's nothing added that's not GAPS friendly.
Tim's Liver and Onions - by Vitamin Cottage
Carrot Pancakes - by Jolene of Yummy Inspirations. Scroll to about the middle of the post for the recipe.
Almond Squash Bread - by the Liberated Kitchen
Tuna Sandwich and Mayonnaise - by Healing Through GAPS
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Applegate Organic Turkey Burgers
Applegate Organic Beef Burgers
Whole Foods Smoked Salmon is apparently completely legal and makes a handy protein snack.
Canned Tuna - Just make sure the can is BPA free. My husband swears that Wild Planet is better than any other brand out there, but I usually buy Crown Prince brand.
Grass Fed Jerky Chews - grass fed, gluten free. It looks like the Chipotle Raisin varieties contain sugar, though, so avoid those.
Other Recipe Lists
GAPS in our Gut - stage 4 recipes
Afterthoughts Blog - stage 4 recipes
Stage Five - Broth and more stuff you can serve on a plate
Fall Vegetable and Sausage Stew - from Vitamin Cottage. You'll have to modify this recipe a little. Parsnips are a no-no in the GAPS diet, so leave those out. Make sure you use sausages that are GAPS-friendly, such as the Applegate Chicken & Apple Sausages listed below in the cheats section. And don't forget to use your own homemade chicken stock.
Hazelnut Pancakes with Sautéed Apples - by Vitamin Cottage
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal.)
Applegate Chicken and Apple Breakfast Sausages (The other two kinds of breakfast sausage that they carry aren't GAPS legit because one contains maple syrup and the other cane syrup.) Their regular Chicken & Apple sausages look alright also (except for maybe the sodium lactate. But hey! It's from beets and beets are allowed, right?) :-}
Beelers Italian Sausages - These are gluten free. Several of the other types of Beelers sausages contain Turbinado sugar, so you'll want to avoid those.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog - stage 5 recipes
Stage Six - Still not done with the broth...
even when we move into the Full GAPS diet
even when we move into the Full GAPS diet
Coconut Date Balls - by K Miller of K Miller Photographs (thanks to Erin from Plan to Eat for the link).
Banana "Ice Cream" with Coconut and Cacao - by Erin of Plan to Eat
Coconut Muffins - by KitchenStewardship.com. Although it seems to me like everything in this recipe is OK by stage four, I put it in the stage six category because that's where the bready things that you can make without throwing some squash in there get mentioned.
Coconut Milk - from the Real Food Forager. I don't know why this is stage six, but that's where I found it in another list.
Cheats (Premade stuff you can buy at the store that's legal)
Dried fruit - make sure it's organic with no added preservatives or sugars.
Full Diet - There are some recipes that might fit fine under one of the intro stages, but I can't decide where to put them. So I'm just gonna stick them here and let you decide. :-)
Karen's Sausage Breakfast Pie - from Vitamin Cottage. I don't think the Beelers breakfast sausage is GAPS friendly. It contains turbinado sugar. So use Applegate Chicken & breakfast sausages instead.
Sassy Water - by Vitamin Cottage. I don't know where in the stages citrus is allowed. But I see lemon on the allowed list for the full diet. So I'm putting this recipe here. You could probably make it in an earlier stage sans lemon.
Raw Carrot Cake - by Vitamin Cottage
Chai Peach Soufflé - by Vitamin Cottage. Switch out the maple syrup for honey.
Primal Hot Cereal - by Vitamin Cottage. I was wondering if it were possible to do something like this. I'm glad to see that someone else has already tried it. I wonder if you can eat it cold with almond milk. I'm in love with Udi's original granola. But it's full of oats. Maybe this will be a close second.
Pumpkin Soup - by Real Food Media. I'd like to think this soup would be fine at stage one, but the fact that it has curry and cayenne probably boots it right out of that stage. So I'd say fit this in when your tummy can handle it. Since we're doing the diet mostly to deal with moods and skin issues, I don't think spices are going to be a problem for us. But anyone with tummy issues will want to take care.
Other Recipe Lists
Afterthoughts Blog on Pinterest - full GAPS diet recipes
Afterthoughts Blog on Pinterest - full GAPS snacks
Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil