
Jan 1, 2014

Articles on Grains vs. Fats, Microbes, etc. - a reference page

People keep sending me links for articles or videos related to diet. I thought I'd start a page where I list the articles in case I want to refer back to any of them later. So this page will be updated as I come across new articles.

The importance of our microbiome (healthy gut flora is key)

From NPR
Gut Bacteria Might Guide The Workings Of Our Minds, on Health News from NPR, November 18, 2013. Explains how there's growing evidence that the bacteria in our gut affect our mental health. The page includes an audio and a video portion. The video is a cartoon that explains what our microbiome is, how we get it, and what could be causing problems with it.

Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods, by Robert W. Hutkins. This is a somewhat technical document including 400 pages of information about fermented foods - their history, types of microbes, etc.

Your gut’s what you eat, too, by Peter Reuell in the Harvard Gazette. Studies show that a change in diet can have immediate affects upon our microbiome and that a change in diet can increase the amount of bilophila in the gut, a microbe known to cause colitis in mice.

Living in a Microbial World, by David Shardt in the Nutrition Action Health Letter, July/August 2012. This is essentially a microbe primer covering topics such as what our microbiome is, where it comes from, what affects it, and how it can be healed.

From Balanced Bites
The importance of healthy fats in our diet

Your “Healthy” Diet Could Be Quietly Killing Your Brain, Psychology Today, October 9, 2013. This article focuses primarily on brain health and the importance of a fat rich, low carb diet to avoid dementia/alzheimers.

Fats: Which to Eat & Which to Ditch, from Balanced Bites by Diane Sanfilippo, July 2010. This article gives guidelines about which fats are good to eat and which aren't.

Eating fat is good for you: Doctors change their minds after 40 years, by Jo Willey of the Express. Studies in the 70s showed a correlation between saturated fats and heart disease, but they never proved causation. New studies show that natural fats such as butter are better for the heart.

Problems with grains - GMOs, gluten, gliadin, and other issues

Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says, on CBS This Morning, June 21, 2013. Dr. William Davis explains that wheat has been changed over the last 30 years. It now contains gliadin which is an issue for all consumers, not just those with celiac disease or a gluten intolerance.

How Grains Are Killing You Slowly, by Katie of the Wellness Mama. Katie explains how phytic acid in grains causes problems for the gut. (Sprouting the grain helps to remove the phytic acid.) She also touches on gluten and lectins.

Why Are So Many Allergic to Wheat Now?, by Melissa Melton of Truthstream Media, May 2, 2013. Melton shows that recent changes to wheat coincide with increased incidences of allergies, autism, and other issues. There's no proof of causality given, but a relationship is implied.

Arsenic in Your Food, from Consumer Reports, November 2012. Consumer Reports found that several brands of rice products contained high levels of inorganic arsenic, including organic brands. And that because the arsenic is often concentrated in the bran, brown rice tended to have higher levels than white rice. One suggestion to reduce the level of arsenic in rice is to rinse the rise before cooking, then cook with 6 cups of water to 1 cup of rice and pour off extra water once cooked. This washes away some nutrients but also removes arsenic. A more recent article entitled, There’s Still Arsenic in Rice (and It’s Probably Not Going Away), was published by on September 11, 2013. Once again, brown rice still looks problematic.

Milk/Dairy Issues

“The Devil in the Milk” — Dr. Thomas Cowan on how the A1 – A2 factor explains why even raw milk sometimes does not seem to be enough of an improvement over “store-bought”, by TheBovine, March 20, 2009. The type of cow that is producing the milk can affect how well people digest it.

Healthy Diet (This is more of an umbrella section for posts, videos, etc. that cover several topics.)

Nourishing Traditional Diets (2 hour video), by Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation. In this video Sally Fallon explains how Weston Price explored traditional diets and what conclusions he came to regarding what we should be eating for optimal health. It includes many photos taken by Price during his travels.  This video is long, but worth watching. 

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