
Dec 31, 2013

Simple Cream Custard

Our dessert of the week has been flourless chocolate cake. I've made it several times and when I got sick of making it the girls found the recipe and started making it. But the problem with the cake is that it goes best with whipped cream, which means an extra step. So I decided I wanted custard instead. It would be creamy all in its own right so I wouldn't have to make any extra whipped cream for it. But when I looked for a recipe, I couldn't find one that used cream instead of milk. (I'm eventually going to get around to finding a raw milk supply. But until then, we're doing cream but not milk so we avoid most of the casein.) And I didn't want a recipe that called for only part of an egg. That always leaves you with the problem of what to do with what's left of the egg. So I just made my own recipe up. It turned out pretty tasty.

6 eggs
1/2 cup honey
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
nutmeg (optional)

1. Put some water in the kettle and set it to start heating up.
2. Whip 6 eggs. Add honey and cream and mix well. (Many custard recipes require heating the milk first. I didn't use milk and I didn't want to spend time heating the cream. ... So I didn't.)
3. Sprinkled nutmeg on top. (I liked the nutmeg. So did Rob. The kids, on the other hand, were nutmeg adverse. Dorks.)
4. Pour into separate ramekins. I used 5 ramekins since there are 5 of us in the family. A couple of the custards puffed up just over the rim, but they all nestled down inside as they cooled.
5. Set the ramekins inside another container (I used a brownie pan.) and pour the hot water into the outer container. This just helps the custard heat evenly.
6. Cook for 20 minutes or until the custard just starts to brown up a teeny tad. I let the custard cool before we ate it.

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