
Nov 6, 2013

Genetic Roulette Movie Streamable for Free

The movie Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives is available to stream for free for the next few days. The movie includes the results of several studies that have been done that show the harmful affects of GMOs in our food supply. They also explain how some of these affects lead to so many other problems that we're seeing a sharp rise in these days such as inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, IBS, autism, birth defects, reproductive disorders, cancer, etc.

Essentially, large corporations are changing our food supply to our detriment and without our consent. Not only are corn and soy almost entirely GMO crops, but the meat we eat that was fed these crops are also full of GMOs. The only way to not play this game of roulette, is to stop eating GMO foods.

Half way into the movie there's a description of a farm in Africa that was growing GM corn. The workers ate the GM corn at every meal and before long they were seeing several symptoms they didn't have before, including constantly runny noses (which is the problem we've been trying to get rid of in my son) and severe headaches (which my daughters keep getting). We went onto the GAPS diet to fight the runny nose, headaches, yeast infections, and acne. I wonder how many of these symptoms are caused by GMOs. We eat a lot of organic food, but are there treats or other foods that we've been eating that we didn't realize were full of GMOs? There's no way to know what contains a GM gene without some sort of labeling.

I strongly recommend this movie. Click here to stream the hour long video. (They'll ask for your name and email address.) I've told my husband and kids that this movie is a must watch for them this week. 

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