
Nov 17, 2013

Banana Ice Cream - Dairy Free, Easy to Make, and Yummy

Being on the GAPS diet has opened our eyes to a bunch of creative recipes that are ridiculously simple and über healthy. Their only fault is that you have to make them a few hours in advance of when you want to eat them.

This banana ice cream recipe rocks. I got the recipe from the Use More Butter blog. In the morning, after the kids have toddled off to school, I grab several bananas that are starting to get past the point of ripeness that the kids will still eat them, I chop them into bite sizes pieces into a tupperware container, then I throw the container in the freezer. That's the sum total of the prep work. Like I said, it's a simple recipe. You just have to plan ahead.

When the kids come home from school, I ask them if they'd like banana ice cream. The first time we had it we went with plain just so we'd have a sense of what our base ice cream was like. It's pretty darn tasty all by itself. The second time we tried peanut butter and cocoa (as recommended in the blog). It was OK, but the kids didn't really like peanut butter ice cream. (I've got other ideas on peanut butter that I'll share later.) We've finally settled on plain and with cocoa. I know, kinda cliché.

Once I've got their flavor order, I pull out the frozen bananas, dump them into our food processor, and whirl away. You'll get grainy banana bits at first, but if you keep whirring it eventually becomes creamy and smooth. If you want to add flavorings, you can dump them in at the beginning or do it now that you've reached creamy consistency. That's it! You're done. Scoop it out and enjoy.

Toppings: I've experimented with making a "cookie dough" version. I like eating raw Artisana cashew butter right out of the jar. It's so creamy and yummy and it reminds me of eating cookie dough. So I plopped little spoonfuls onto a tray and froze them. I then mixed them into my plain banana ice cream. I liked having the cashew butter bits in there, but they didn't come out very cookie doughish. Oh well. My next experiment will be to do the same thing with peanut butter, then add them to cocoa flavored banana cream.

This is a GREAT way to use up overripe bananas. And if there are gooey blackish parts of the banana, no worries! No one will notice once it's ice-cream-a-fied.

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