
Oct 28, 2013

One of the Grossest Things I've Ever Done

I took this photo yesterday. It towers over one of the Otterbox parking lots and will soon be towered over by the 5 level parking garage that Otterbox plans to build on that residential block. (Not one of Otterbox's better plans if you ask me.) 

Whew! The last two days were a blur. I thought Sunday was going to be a relaxing, kick back kind of day. I should know better by now. So while I can still piece it together, here's the foods we scarfed yesterday and today.

Sunday (Day 16) 
Breakfast: Squash pancakes with a little honey on top and camomile tea for everyone. 
Lunch: Leftovers. We had cabbage soup and celery root/leek soup to choose from. I went for the cabbage soup (no chunks of meat - that's a plus for me) and added some kimchi. It was pretty decent that way. 
Dinner: Roast chicken with roasted veggies (celery root, carrot, eggplant)
Dessert: Almond Raisin Cookies   ... and, of course, yogurt with honey whenever folks were peckish. 

Monday (Day 17)
Breakfast: one egg omelette with butter sauteed onions, camomile tea, homemade apple sauce
Lunch: kids - Italian style meat stuff. meg - yogurt with honey and a fried egg
Dinner: Roasted duck, chard cooked in ghee (sooooooooooooo yummy), and "french fried" celery root
Dessert: Made another batch of almond raisin cookies. 

OK, so here's the gross thing I did today. I was starting to feel some of the pre-diet symptoms that I had been hoping to get rid of. I know that I'm supposed to be consuming a fair bit of broth on this diet and that somehow it's all the stuff in the broth (gelatin and collagen and stuff like that) that heal the gut.  But because meat tastes so darn yucky to me, I don't eat much of it. And when I can eat a meal (like a yummy veggie frittata) that doesn't have meat in it, I do it. So yesterday I served soup for dinner and I got some broth into me that way. But today the kids had broth in their lunch, but I didn't have any in any of my meals. So I decided I had to get some broth into me to heal stuff so my pre-diet symptoms will go away. 

I had just made some chicken broth and was canning it for storage. As I poured the broth through a strainer (to keep out the bones) I poured one cup for me. I then got a large bowl of yogurt, added some honey, and had it sitting at the ready to cleanse my palate. I drank down the (unsalted) broth as fast as a college student downs a beer, then took a big bite of honey to wash out the taste. Unfortunately, I'm still having chicken burps which apparently aren't so easily covered over with yogurt. I expect great things tomorrow after my body has marinated in that cup of broth for a night. 

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