
Dec 7, 2013

Fresh Cabbage Soup

I found this recipe in Detox for Health by Nicola Graimes, which I picked up from our local library. The fact that it includes an apple intrigued me. So when I had a hankering for cabbage soup this past week, I pulled the recipe out and gave it a try. I loved it! The kids liked it, but said they wished it had chicken or sausage in it. (I'll have a meat option for the kids next time I make this.)

I had photocopied the recipe to try it out later. When I went to make the recipe I found that some of the directions were cut off when I made the copy. So I'll just kinda munge those parts. It still came out tasty in the end. :-)

1 small turnip (I left this out only because I didn't have a turnip in the house.)
2 carrots
3 T. olive oil (I used butter. You're not supposed to cook olive oil on the GAPS diet.)
1 large onion, sliced
2 celery sticks, sliced
1 white cabbage, about 1 1/2 pounds shredded (675g)
1.2 litres / 2 pints / 5 cups vegetable stock (I used homemade chicken broth.)
1 sharp eating apple, cored, peeled and chopped (I didn't bother peeling mine. Waste of time and nutrients in my opinion.)
2 bay leaves
5 ml / 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley (Also didn't use this. Didn't have it in the house.)
10 ml / 2 tsp pickled cucumber juice  or lemon juice
freshly ground black pepper
fresh herbs, to garnish

1. Cut the turnips and carrots into matchstick strips. (Or just chop them up into rounds like I did.) Heat the butter in a large pan and fry the turnips, carrots, onion and celery for 10 minutes.

2. Coarsely shred the cabbage and add to the pan. Pour in the chicken broth, add the chopped apple, bay leaves, and chopped parsley. Bring to a boil. Cover and let simmer for 40 minutes or until the veggies are tender.

3. Remove and discard the bay leaves. (Or leave them in for the person who "wins" them in their bowl of soup to throw them into the compost.) Stir in the pickle or lemon juice. Add pepper and fresh herbs. (I also added salt. My chicken broth didn't have any salt in it.)

4. Next time I'll add chopped sausage or chicken and the dish really needed more broth than it came with in this recipe. I'd say another 2 or 3 cups wouldn't hurt. 

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