
Nov 29, 2013

Coconut Pancakes - Paleo / GAPS

The nature of recipes online --> Person A posts a recipe. Person B finds the recipe, makes it, and adjusts it a bit before posting her own version. Person C finds B's recipe, alters it a bit more, and posts that version on her own blog. I am person C.

I found this recipe that Barbara posted to her website paleo / vegeo - Amazingly Yummy Coconut Flour Paleo Pancakes (or Crepes). (Barbara is person B in this scenario.) The pancakes looked very crepe-ey and delicious and I looked forward to trying them. Barbara had originally gotten the recipe from Shannon - Fluffy Coconut Flour Pancakes. Both gals raved about the recipe, though Barbara mentioned that Shannon's recipe was on the runny side, so she tripled the amount of flour she used.

I should have known something was wrong when I looked at Shannon's photos and saw thick, fluffy pancakes and when I looked at Barbara's (with tripled flour) and saw crepes. I don't know where the oopsie was, but something was off.

So I started to make Barbara's version of the recipe, got a cup of coconut flour mixed in and felt like I was mixing grout rather than pancake batter. I could have rolled the batter into balls of dough like cookies. Needless to say, I didn't add in the last bit of flour that the recipe called for. Instead I ended up doubling everything else - essentially giving me something much closer to Shannon's recipe. And even that was thicker than I had hoped for. So the next time I make this, I'm going to use 3/4 to 1/2 as much flour as Shannon's recipe had called for. In the meantime, here's the recipe that I ended up using.

I thought the pancakes were on the bland side. They could have used a little cinnamon or almond extract or something. But the kids loved them and were asking for seconds.

4 eggs
1 cup coconut milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 cup coconut flour (start with a small amount and add more as needed. the goal is batter, not bricks.)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
coconut oil for frying

1. Mix everything together.
2. Pour approximately 2-3 inch rounds into the coconut oil in the pan.
3. Flip once browned on one side. The batter will bubble a bit, but not as much as you might be used to with wheat batter.
4. Serve with honey and/or fruit. I used frozen blueberries and raspberries.

Here's yet one more coconut pancake recipe. This one calls for even less flour, and it adds applesauce in so the pancakes aren't too dry -- Ultimate Coconut Flour Pancakes.

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