
Oct 15, 2013

Adding Pancakes and Reviewing Goals

On day one, I was gone all morning doing a city bike survey. I left this note for the kids so they'd know what they could eat (and for my husband, so he wouldn't try to feed them anything else). On Sunday I added a few changes in red to account for new foods I had cooked up. 

We started this diet last Friday evening, so it's hard to count the days since we started off-kilter, but we're essentially on our 4th day of the diet, which isn't very far in, though it feels like we've been doing this for ages. Clearly stage one was the worst. We were all sick of soup within the first day. I don't know how people do this who push on in stage one for weeks or months. Kudos to them. We simply couldn't do it. Since none of us have digestive issues (in the common sense of the term) I think it's OK that we moved quickly through that stage. Our goal is to take this diet on in hopes of healing allergies, mood swings, migraines, bloating, and acne. (I know. That's a wide range of stuff. But here's to hoping, all the same.) It's possible that we could achieve our goal just on the full diet. But we're doing this diet in tandem with my sister and she wanted to start at the beginning. And to be honest, it'll probably not only help our guts to heal better, but I think it will also give us a much grander appreciation of what we can eat by the time we've worked our way up to the full diet. ;-)

Today's Meals
Breakfast: Cauliflower "Rice" and Poached Egg
Lunch: for the kids - Beef Stew with Veggies, for me - Chicken Chili Verde. And we all got a 6 oz. jar of homemade yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.
Snack: GAPS Butternut Squash Pancakes
Dinner: Leftovers - chicken soup or fish soup and some more pancakes with salt (no syrup)

I found this really helpful SCD Legal/Illegal Foods List. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is similar to the GAPS diet, and the list give explanations about why some foods (like plantains) aren't ok (too starchy) but other similar foods (bananas) are (less starchy). Though it's not GAPS specific, it still helps to answer some questions.

For dinner we had leftovers. That got me to wondering if leftovers are OK. I know they aren't in some diets. But I feel bad about giving that much food to the pooches. So we ate them.

Here's a pic of the pancakes. They were OK, though they would have been better with syrup. :-} They were rather greasy with all that coconut oil, but that's how they're supposed to be. The fats will feed my brain... or so Dr. Natasha says.

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