
Oct 11, 2013

Day One-ish: Stage One of the GAPS Diet begins

We decided to start the diet over a weekend just in case any of us experiences die off symptoms. We're hoping to be right as rain by Monday when school starts up again. My sister suggested that we start with Friday night's dinner. So when the kids came home from school today I told them they could eat anything they want until 5. It's their last hurrah (though really the last hurrah was when I let the girls eat through a half dozen donuts yesterday. We're not a donut eating family, but when one of my daughters found out that one of her classes was going to do "a donut a day" for a week and she wouldn't be able to participate, she begged to be able to do hers in advance. Why a class is doing a donut a day is beyond me.)

I boiled a whole chicken yesterday. The kids had some of the meat with dinner. I enjoyed my last meat free dinner in awhile. The broth and remaining meat are becoming tonight's dinner. The kids love homemade chicken soup, so starting with something familiar should get us off to a good start. I think the real problems are going to come around breakfast time. (I've already warned them that they'll be getting soup for breakfast. They seemed to take the news in stride. We'll see how the reality hits them.)

I also stopped by Whole Foods and asked if they had any fish bones. I'd much rather eat fish than mammal, so I'm hoping to have regular fish options available for myself. They didn't have bones, but they did have fish heads. (Which explains all the fish art.) Unfortunately not only are they frozen, but I've got today's chicken soup boiling in one of my soup pots (with yesterday's broth) and new broth being made (with the bones from yesterday's broth's chicken) in the other pot. And I only have two soup pots. So until I start working on crock pot soups (which I've never done before, so I'll probably have to find a recipe to follow on that for the first time) I'll have to wait till we actually eat up some of this soup before I can start in on the next one.

I'm hoping to make a butternut squash soup later tonight so that we can eat that for breakfast. We'll probably either have leftover chicken or butternut squash soup for lunch. And then the fish head soup will be for dinner. (I bought some salmon fillets to add to the soup, so we won't be eating the eyeballs. ... Unless, of course, the eyeballs liquify and melt into the broth. I don't really know what happens when you cook a fish head.)

So, there you have it, the beginnings of our foray into the GAPS diet.

As far as the fish heads go, all of the fish head art that's posted here is from from Inspire Fusion. There's even more photos there, so click through if you've enjoyed the fishiness. And for those that don't mind losing almost 5 minutes of their life to the Fish Heads song, here's an ancient video. (This song always makes me think of my college days. *sigh*)

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

In the morning,
Laughing happy fish heads,
In the evening,
Floating in the soup,

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Ask a fish head,
Anything you want to,
They won't answer,
They can't talk

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

I took a fish head,
Out to see a movie,
Didn't have to pay 
To get it in

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

They cant play baseball,
They dont wear sweaters,
There not good dancers,
They dont play drums

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Roly poly fish heads are never seen
Drinking cappucino in Italian resturants,
With oriental women, yeah

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum, (yum!)

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum,



  1. So, where did you get the diet from? I know part of the history behind the decision to go on this new way of eating but I am not sure if you shared where the diet is coming from (or did you develop it by yourself?)

  2. *Off-topic* wasn't the comments supposed to be linked to Google+?

  3. Grrrr. I replied to you and submitted and my comment just disappeared. Which people have been telling me has happened to them, but it hadn't happened to me yet.

    So the diet was started by a gal named Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. It's called the GAPS diet, which stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome with the idea behind it being that what happens in the gut affects not only the gut but the rest of the body as well, including mental health. Campbell-McBride started with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) which had been found to work well for kids with autism and she modified it to work better for her son and many of her patients.

    I first learned about Dr. Natasha through this video that a doctor sent to me: It's long, but worth watching from beginning to end. She does a good job of explaining the whole system behind her reasoning.
