
Feb 11, 2014

Chocolate Cookies (sans Chips & sans Grain)

We've been enjoying the peanut butter cookie recipe I found recently, but I felt like it was time to spread our wings again and try something new. So I made up a chocolate cookie recipe that can be eaten with or without the peanut butter cookies (depending on if you're looking for a Reeses affect or not). I decided to leave coconut flour out of this recipe since I'm starting to think coconut flour is not my tummy's best friend.

2 1/4 cup almond flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda

Mix ingredients together and drop by rounded tablespoons onto a cookie tray. Cook for 7 minutes at 350F.

Chocolate cookies go well with a side of peanut butter cookies

Feb 10, 2014

Gack! Liver! Run Away!

Why does the most nutritious part of the animal have to be the organ meats? Really?

I tried making liver paté yesterday. I know it's good for us. My mom used to serve liver and onions at least once a month and it didn't kill me so I figured I should provide the same nutrition to my kids. I pulled out Sally Fallon's cookbook, Nourishing Traditions, followed the directions, grabbed a spoon and took a nibble, ... only to want to puke it all up immediately. It was horrible!

Here's what I emailed to my sister (who has been feeding liver paté to her family and they actually eat it, so she must be doing something right):
i just made chicken liver pate using the recipe in the book. i must not have added enough wine. i assume the wine is so that you’re too drunk to care about the flavor.  i just took one small nibble of the pate after blending it up and almost barfed.

Whole Foods has a liverwurst that I like the flavor of. I think I'll have to stick to that. In the meantime, I have a container of chicken liver paté in the fridge that I need to use up. My sis recommended mixing it into meatballs. I'm hoping meatloaf will work. *sigh*

On a happier note, the girls have had far fewer headaches than they used to have before we started this diet. They still have occasional, embarrassing acne, though. We had hoped the diet would clear that up. So far, no dice. And Nathan has been a much more cheerful kid than he was this time last year... or this time the year before that... or even this time the year before that. I feel like I'm getting my son back.